Echo devices reignite Amazon's new hope that high-end speakers with touch screens will be released

Despite the failure in the smartphone field, Amazon does not seem to intend to give up their efforts in the hardware field. According to foreign media reports, Amazon is developing a high-end speaker with a touch screen.

Echo devices reignite Amazon's new hopes, will release high-end touch screen speakers

If the rumors are true, it also means that the online retail giant is trying to monetize its success in the field of voice-controlled home products and is targeting Apple and Google competitors.

Previously, Amazon Echo product functions were based on the company's Alexa digital voice assistant, controlled by voice. According to people familiar with the matter, this new device will be equipped with a 7-inch large touch screen, which will allow users to more easily access weather forecasts, calendars and news.

According to people familiar with the matter, Amazon's new speakers will also be better than current Echo devices in terms of sound quality. The new equipment is expected to be shipped in the first quarter of next year.

In addition, the new device will use the optimized version of the Fire operating system. Like the current Echo devices, it can respond to user voice commands and questions.

In addition, Amazon is testing a new feature on new devices. Users can "Pin" pictures on the speaker display, similar to the refrigerator stickers we "stick" on the refrigerator door.

People familiar with the matter said that after the launch of the new speakers, Amazon will continue to sell Dot, Tap and Echo speakers, but the price of high-end speakers with touch screen will be higher than these products.

Of course, this news is not groundless. At the beginning of this year, the Wall Street Journal reported that Amazon Lab126 hardware department is developing an Alexa-based device that will be configured with a display similar to a tablet computer.

Smart home equipment is a new market that major technology companies are competing for. However, until now, they have been difficult to achieve the same success as smartphones and PC computers. Amazon is even more confused in the field of hardware. The Fire Phone launched in 2014 was a big failure. But Echo gave this company hope. According to market agency expectations, sales of this device in the United States have exceeded 5 million units.

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